It could be difficult to learn, to understand, to live with people, to see aspiration future
if there is living Without The Art & Culture.
There could cause us blindness and
also lag of inspiration to just create small thing or see difficulty solution for small mistaken
and to turn to somewhere we should called the family.
We will never know who are we.
We will never find out the answer in The History.
Because The Art & Culture need some time in life to accepting ourself to join without negativity in our mind that can see through our manner and wording,
​With The Art & Culture, we will see beauty of the heart that we will forget about nationality, species, language and we could go far further, throughout beyond unknow destination.
When we absorb the art & culture then our nature will adjust itself for us naturally to helps us live in differrenes condition.
"With my Respect"
​The Art & Culture gifted
The Artisterrestrial
Shonz Supakan Wattanaboon
​Since 2023


There was nothing fantasy and also there is no miracle.
Nothing should be result if nothing could be the reason.
So is the mystory should hidden the secret?
Yes we could keep the secret
But the nature will reveal.
Curiousity will leading us to
Know the truth.
The truth that you can see without using this body taking you there.
​The Justice in you will protect you from all illusional while you are traveling
There was nothing fantasy and also there is no miracle.
Nothing should be result if nothing could be the reason.
So is the mystory should hidden the secret?
Yes we could keep the secret
But the nature will reveal.
Curiousity will leading us to
Know the truth.
The truth that you can see without using this body taking you there.
​The Justice in you will protect you from all illusional while you are traveling

Art is pixel projecting that generate electricity wave from our brian which recieve from the origin "heart" called imagination.
If those heart understand the truth of nature,
those imagination was will always true.
Artist is the person or team who project it, to present they experience from they team or personal hologram.
Thier art could be sharp or unclear that because of the artist's hologram pixel or the filter for thier unique way or ability to read the wave.
Sometime the truth is right but boring.
Fun is entertain but cross the line.
So now, it's the audience job to judge or to compromise.
​I am artist and I am also audience.
SHONZ Supakan Wattanaboon
Founder of SHONZ & The Artisterrestrial Online Gallery
They could live anywhere they want or many places at the time if they want.
They understand and accept the truth.
They agree panalty if they wrong.
Or walk away if everyone want to be right.
Even turn back if they are disturbing by enermy.
They understand that they have difficult sign but they choose to keep it that way because
​only person who deserved will get what it mean.
If there is compromise for them they will guilty and make it better.
They so smart by learn even good & bad, male & female, human & animal, plant & rock, hot & cold more opposite thing to find the justice in everything.
They sound wierd for you right?
Do not worry human, we wierd but we are survivor and we are high civilization to not harm anybody first.
Mostly we no need to because we see clearly in The Universe natural mechanism.
SHONZ Supakan Wattanaboon
​Founder of SHONZ & The Artisterrestrial Online Gallery